Accelerated order-to-fulfillment process for EV charging solutions provider

Leveraging Salesforce to automate order fulfillment process workflows
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Our client is a prominent electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions provider that caters to customers across the United States and Canada. The client sells charging equipment along with the software, subscriptions, maintenance plans, and other support services. Each new project involves engineering, compliance, logistics, implementation, and many other steps that are crucial to a successful project delivery. Instead of spending time pursuing their business goals, they found themselves increasingly encumbered by manual processes that lacked transparency and couldn’t scale with their rapid expansion.

After our team showcased their capabilities by streamlining the company's Quote-To-Order system using Salesforce CPQ, we became the natural choice for company leadership to leverage in order to eliminate their order fulfillment inefficiencies.

We automated the order fulfillment process to improve efficiency, accuracy, and visibility. This allowed the client to deliver a superior experience for existing customers and freed up resources to grow the customer base.

Slow and erroneous order processing

Client’s team was struggling with delays and errors due to manual data entry and order management processes. They couldn't keep up with the increasing order volume and complexity.

Lack of visibility

It was difficult for the different teams to work together to track orders, manage fulfillment, forecast sales, and then provide prompt service. Siloed data and scattered critical order information were causing constant confusion.

Service delivery challenges

Customers were not getting the desired level of service due to unreliable information being provided to the service team, which in turn created longer wait times and an overall experience that left the customer frustrated.


Rapid Order Fulfillment

This solution led to reduced order processing time, ensuring faster fulfillment and heightened customer satisfaction.

Increase in Service Productivity

With a focus on freeing up technicians' time, our output saw an increase in service team productivity and a reduction of service costs.

Supply Chain Transparency

Their system now provides a significantly more transparent overview of supply chain management, facilitating informed decision-making and enhancing operational efficiency.

Improved Customer Relationships

Access to accurate information helped set up their reps for success - fostering stronger customer relationships.

Scalable Solutions

Their custom solution was specifically designed to handle rising order volumes and complexities, ensuring easy scalability as the business expands.


Giving our unique Omniskope touch, we closely connected with the client’s team to understand the specific challenges they faced day to day and their broader organizational goals. This helped us deliver the best possible solution, which we implemented in a matter of three months.

Seamless automated workflows

Our team automated the order creation and fulfillment workflows, eliminating costly mistakes such as incorrect or missed shipments. This translated to a notably enhanced customer experience, shorter fulfillment time, and increased internal efficiency, resulting in faster product and service activation.

  • When a sales rep closes an opportunity, the orders and project management tasks are automatically generated in the system.
  • Contracts are generated based on quotes, eliminating the need for manual entry.
  • We have enabled online forms for the shipping team to facilitate smooth logistics operations and tracking. They now have all shipping details handy without switching between multiple systems.
Easy tracking and visibility

Our solution provided an executive view of order information across all departments. Every team now had access to details about orders, assets, contracts (including software subscriptions, warranties, and maintenance plans for connected assets), and overall project progress.

Sales reps can now get insights for sales forecasts, service agents can resolve issues seamlessly, finance can derive financial projections, and marketers can leverage this unified data to drive high-impact campaigns with personalized product recommendations.

Automated service management

Now, the service team has complete visibility into service contracts, entitlements, and work orders, enabling quicker response times and improved customer service.

To make sure nothing is overlooked in the service schedule, work orders are automatically initiated based on unique maintenance plans and subscriptions included in the quote. Time slots are also automatically assigned based on the individual priority of the case. The team can now do its best work because they have the correct data at the right time to service customers.

Voice of the customer

“Throughout the process, Omniskope maintained open lines of communication. Their collaborative approach ensured that our team was involved in key decision-making, and any adjustments to the strategy were made with our specific business goals in mind. The result is a solution tailored to our unique needs.
Omniskope played a pivotal role in connecting our shipping and fulfillment processes within the Salesforce ecosystem. From order processing to shipment tracking, everything is now seamlessly connected, resulting in improved visibility and efficiency.
With Salesforce as the central hub for product information, orders, and fulfillment, we now experience a more streamlined and agile operation. The removal of data silos has led to faster decision-making and enhanced collaboration across departments.”

-Manager, ERP integration,
Pricing & Material Planning

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