Financial Services Company Saves $30 Million Through the Implementation of Slack and the Integration with internal applications

At a Glance

The client is an American multinational hedge fund and financial services company headquartered in the midwestern United States. They are also a leading investor in the world’s financial markets and offer managed funds across different investment strategies, including- equities, commodities, fixed incomes, and credit

  • Industry: Financial Services
  • HQ: Midwest, USA
  • Type: B2B & B2C
  • Products:Slack Enterprise Grid, Enterprise Zoom, Information Barrier Application

The challenge

At the start of the project, the client was operating on several disjointed, unconnected communication solutions. Employees were forced to hop from application-to-application to communicate with different business departments. This made collaboration between departments complicated and created departmental silos, limiting the organization’s spread of needed information and data. These disjointed applications also caused a decrease in customer satisfaction. The client had no central, organized database of customer communications, making it difficult for customer service representatives to resolve cases and provide personalized service quickly. With information spread across multiple applications, the client had difficulty implementing security protocols to safeguard vital business and customer information, leaving them vulnerable to theft or loss of data and profits

The Solution

In-house applications were designed and integrated, establishing specific business and administrative channels. These channels created an overall more efficient and collaborative workspace, allowing employees to communicate both in and outside their departments.

With customer communication happening across various communication applications, customer information was spread thinly throughout the organization with no centralized database. Unable to quickly access account information or previous conversations with customers, the client’s sales representatives struggled to promptly provide support and resolve cases, leading to decreased customer satisfaction. A case management and service ticketing app was designed and integrated into Slack to track external communication, allowing customer service representatives to efficiently resolve complicated issues.

The client also wanted to limit some of the communication between departments due to the nature of their work. An information barrier application was integrated to allow the client’s admins to control the communication flow between departments. The client established communication firewalls between specific departments to avoid conflicts of interest and safeguard sensitive information, letting them meet mandatory rules and regulations within the financial sector without blocking organization-wide communication and collaboration.

To further enhance the client’s overall security measures, regulatory, monitoring, and access control applications were built and integrated into Slack. One critical implementation was a secure mobile access point application for admins, allowing them to easily access internal proprietary applications that contained highly sensitive and intellectual property information in a safe setting. Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) was also integrated, letting the client control who accessed their Slack channels and how they accessed it. With EMM, the client could place restrictions on their system’s applications and networks, allowing only approved mobile devices access to their Slack workspaces.

The Results

  • $30 million saved over two years by integrating an information barrier application
  • 100% adoption rate of integrated enterprise SaaS products across three companies in the organization
  • EMM applications provided a secure operating environment
  • Over ten applications were built specifically for various teams across the client’s organization
  • Increased employee communication and collaboration
  • Elimination of departmental silos
  • Increased customer satisfaction

Our Role

Omniskope’s senior consultant worked closely with the client to leverage Slack and Zoom’s capabilities to improve their internal and external communication. The consultant dedicated ongoing support to implement a Slack and Zoom solution and integrate applications designed explicitly by the consultant to fit the client’s needs. By the go-live date, the client was operating on a fully functional, secure workspace. Paired with Slack’s customizability and versatility, the client streamlined their internal and external communications, leading to increased employee collaboration, increased customer satisfaction, and ultimately increased profitability.

At Omniskope, we know how difficult it can be to create a central platform for collaboration but when you fail to establish this centralized platform, you risk experiencing a drop in employee productivity, customer satisfaction, and, profits. So, how can you mitigate these risks?

Contact us today to begin free consultation and see how a communication solution can transform your business!

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