Latest and greatest updates from Salesforce Summer '22 Release

  • By Shuchi Bhardwaj
  • May 2022
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Come summer, Salesforce is all set to roll out another set of cool new features. The Summer '22 release from Salesforce is packed with some amazing improvements. We will take you through the updates without further ado.

They've tweaked the names of a few products:

  • High-Velocity Sales (HVS) is now called Sales Engagement
  • myTrailhead is part of a new solution called Sales Enablement.
  • Tableau CRM has been renamed to CRM Analytics

Convert your workflow rules to flows using the Migrate to Flow tool

 It’s time to begin the transition to using Flow Builder, the future of low-code automation. Use the Migrate to Flow tool to convert your workflow rules into flows. And guess what? Flow Builder isn't just as good as workflow rules—it's even better! This remarkable update affects Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic in Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions. 

Share individual campaigns with coworkers in Lightning

Now you can manually share an individual campaign record with another Salesforce user. This change applies to Lightning Experience in all Salesforce editions.

If you own a campaign, you can set sharing settings and view the sharing hierarchy. Just look for the action menu on the campaign record. 

To share a campaign with someone new or a group, just hit up the campaign's action menu and choose Sharing(1). And if you want to see who can already see the campaign, just go to Sharing Hierarchy(2). It's that easy!

Reports and Dashboards–Bring ‘Median’ into play

Now, you've got more ways to crunch those numbers! Get important stats for your business in the summary functions with Median. This function is available for all the summary measures in your reports and dashboards.

This change is for all the Lightning Experience users in Group, Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions.

Want to know how to use it? Pick a summary action, and you'll see all the functions you have. Now, Median is there too, along with sum, average, max, and min.

Get to know Analytics Home (still in Beta)

It's all about managing your Lightning reports and dashboards. Think of it as the ultimate hub for all your Salesforce analytics. It's like your organized and seamless space to keep your Salesforce analytics content. You get a powerful search and better organization.

This is for those using Lightning Experience in Group, Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions. When you dive in, you'll notice familiar stuff like the search bar (1) and navigation (2) on the left. Analytics Home also tailors the experience for you(3), so finding and using what you need is easy. 

Take help from Einstein Lead Scoring

The updated Einstein Readiness Assessor now helps you figure out how valuable Einstein Lead Scoring could be for your business. It looks at your current numbers for getting leads and turning them into customers.

This change is applicable for Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic users in Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited editions.

Make your Salesforce Feedback game stronger

You know those surveys you send out? Well, now you can make them quicker and more powerful using matrix questions. Plus, you can show off your company's branding by putting your logo right on the surveys.

And here's a neat trick: you can personalize the ‘Thank You’ page of your surveys by changing the message based on your participant’s responses. You can also jazz up that page with links to your company's web pages to make the content engaging.

There's more! Get insights into the sentiment of survey responses. The best part is that you can give your agents real tips to handle those sentiments.

Bring data to every conversation (Slack)

Now you can leverage data for your chats with CRM Analytics for Slack (Available generally). With this cool feature, you can peek at your analytics without leaving Slack – where all the teamwork happens. Find, share, and collaborate on Lightning reports and dashboards, and CRM Analytics insights within Slack. You can smoothly dig into Lightning reports, dashboards, and CRM Analytics insights right in Slack. It's like having your data and conversations in one place.

You can stay in the loop with your important data and even collaborate using subscriptions and notifications. When you get a smart insight, you can jump right into action.

Now, just so you know, this whole CRM Analytics thing works with both Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic. It is available in Developer Edition, and if you're in Enterprise, Performance, or Unlimited editions, you can get it for a bit extra. You will need approval from your workspace admin and then you can set it up in Slack.

Make smarter routing decisions by checking agent availability

You sure have rules about how you want work to get routed, whether directly to an agent or a queue. There must be skill–collect information about how ready your organization is to handle new tasks at any moment.

The ‘Check Availability for Routing action to an Omni-Channel flow’ is like a tool that counts how many agents are online and how many tasks are waiting. You can use this info to build routing logic for how work gets handed out.
For instance, if an agent's got more than five backlogged work items, you can route work to another queue.

This applies to both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience in Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, Professional, and Developer editions.

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